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fat nibba hours

All hours expierience by a fat nibba.

MemeLord: ‘Hey, it’s 1:45. It’s sad nibba hours
Fat Nibba: ‘Nah it’s fat nibba hours’
*eats food*

by TheRealLanc January 20, 2018

fat nibba

Someone who has an IQ of literally 0

They're literally 100000 pounds

"YOU'RE SUCH A F###### FAT NIBBA!!!!!"

by Mr. Fat nose idiot February 5, 2020

2👍 4👎

nibba sex cheese

allah fo sho

yo jeremy ate a nibba sex cheese

by allahcheeese November 16, 2020

Spell icup niBBa

The act of mockery against a certain NIBBA and making He feel uncomfortable because of his inability to spell Icup. But when He really can spell it, all surrounding NIBBAS get blown back because of dat NIBBA'S pronouncing skill. But if he don't do it, then he get beat up by his friends.

Person 1: Yo, spell Icup NIBBA
Dat Nibba: I C U P
Literally Everyone Around: Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

by nibba step the fucc back February 26, 2018

67👍 21👎

real nibba hours

The time of day when you do real nibba shit. Usually lasts from 8pm-4am

Trying not to get noticed by the ops #real nibba hours

by Dubiks May 24, 2019

7👍 1👎

Horni nibba octopus

When the fluids won’t stop squirting octopus
💧 🦑 💦 💧

Juan is a horni nibba octopus, he won’t stop peeeing

by Icaca April 11, 2021

Glitch nibba syndrome

When one has no control over their body and has a random spaz attack. It may look like a seizure, but it is simply a glitch. Originated from wreck it Ralph

Ethan: Yo what's up davi- (glitching)

David: Yo wtf, is he dying?
Aleks: nah fam he just got glitch nibba syndrome

Christian: yeah he can't control it

by Baller oh June 30, 2018