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extremely, very, to the utmost degree. Usually used to modify another adjective, as in retarded hot, retarded cool, retarded smart, retarded hip, retarded hard, etc.

Dude, that girl is retarded hot.
Man, your Mercury Cougar is a retarded sweet ride.

by banana colada March 24, 2010

135๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž

The retard

The retard is a rare off breed of the homosapian it has many suicidal and homophobic tendencies they often make their nests in gay stripper bars

Yo I saw a the retard in the woods when I was huntin

by Niglet GOD April 12, 2017

27๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A retarded person who uses capital letters at the start of every word.

I Am Retarded Because I Type Like This.

by t-dubbya January 10, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A word used to describe anyone other than yourself as inferior, no matter how much more successful or better-looking they are than you
2. Often after saying, an actual mentally-challenged person walks by for the sole purpose of sending you on a guilt-trip

1. "Bill Gates is a retard."
2. "Annie, you are such a retard."
*retard girl limps by*

by PlasticPeach June 13, 2007

46๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


firm, first-rate, fit, fixed, focused, formal, forward, free spirit, fresh, fruitful, full, full of life, gay, genius, gentle, gentlemen, genuine, giddy, giving hope, glorious, good, good, good dice, good sport, good-doer, good-for-something, graceful, great, greatly courageous, grounded in sense, guided, gutsy, happy, hardworking, has a place, has guts, healthy, heightened, hero, heroic, high, high-born, high-ranking, honest, honorable, hope, hopeful, huge, humane, humble, hygienic, imaginative, important, in advance, in front, inclusive, independent, indispensable, individual, intelligent, intelligent, intentional, interesting, jolly, kind, kindly, kindly, ladies, lawful, leader, left in perfection, legitimate, lived, lively, logical, lovable, lovable, loved, macroscopic, magnificent, main, main character, major, manly, many layers, matter-of-fact, mature, meaningful, meriting, merry, mindful, mobile, model citizen, modest, momentous, moral, mosaic, necessary, needed, new, noble, normal, not in vain, not odd, not superficial, objective, on point, on purpose, on the right path, on the spot, on-time, original, outgoing, perceptive, perfect, permanent, persuasive, pertaining to, piquant, planned, plausible, playful, pleasant, plenty, plump mind, pointed, practicable, practical, precious, present, prize, probable, producing, profitable, proficient, prosperous, proud, provident, pure, pure within and without, purposed, purposeful, purposeful, quick, rational, rational, real

Russel is retarded.

by Gossamer Willowfly July 10, 2011

144๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. re-TARD
1. (non-transitive) to decelerate.
2. (transitive) to cause a given object to decelerate.

Note: This word is NOT a noun, therefore anyone who descends to the level of naming an unfortunate person with mental disabilities (actually known as a retardee, a subject of mental retardation) a "retard" (with a mysterious emphasis on the first syllable) can be classified as illiterate, and can be ignored as a result. These people should be ignored anyway as they obviously have no sense of decency or sensitivity. This also applies to people who call non-retardees, "retards", implying that to be a "retard" indicates a status worthy of ridicule.

1. At that point the car had, for some reason, begun to retard.
2. At that point the driver had, for some reason, begun to retard his car.

Note applies to the following:
a) n00b1: Yo, ya know Freddy? That's a hell of a retard!
non-n00b: You are clearly an insensitive and illiterate person worthy only of constant ignoration.
n00b2: Hey yo, stop bein' a retard!
convertedn00b1: He's got a point, you n00b (referring to n00b2)!
convertedn00b2: I submit.
And they all lived happily ever after.

b) n00b: Hah! How can you possibly "retard" someone? It isn't a vorb!
non-n00b1: Yes it is, and it's pronounced "verb".
n00b: Don't yo tell me what to do, yo mofo!
non-n00b2: Go to hell yo mofo!
convertedn00b: I submit.
And they all lived happily ever after.

by Scytale January 11, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


reasonable, refined, related, relevant, renewed, reputable, reputable, resolute, responsible, resulting in, rich, righteous, romantic, sane, satisfactory, sensible, sensical, sensing, sensitive, sententious, sentimental, serious, serious, shining, significant, sincere, smart, smooth, sociable, solid, something, somewhere, sophisticated, soulful, special, specific, spinted, stable, stand ground, standing, standing tall, steadfast, steady, strong, strong-hearted, strong-minded, strong-minded, stylish, suave, substantial, succeeded, succeeding, successful, sufficient, supreme, swan, sweet, sympathetic, tactful, thinking, thoughtful, titanic, to the purpose, toned, top, treasurable, treasure, treasured, true, truthful, unassailable, unassuming, uncompressed, uncorrupt, uncovert, undiscriminatory, undisputed, undoubtable, undoubting, unexpendable, unfrightened, unique, unloathsome, unmeasly, unpaniced, unperturbable, unpretentious, unquitting, unreplaceable, unridiculable, unrushed, unscared, unshabby, unshallow, unshameful, unstale, unsubmissive, untiring, untrifling, untrivial, untrumped, unvanishing, unwasting, unwavering, unwearied, up, upgraded, uplifting, usable, useful, varied, warm, wel-formed, well-advised, well-carried, well-considered, well-done, well-focusd, well-mannered, well-rounded, well-spoken, well-valued, well-wired, whole, winner, wise, with a home, with purpose, with reason, without need for repent, witty, witty, wonderful, working, worth, worthwhile, worthy.

Russel is retarded.

by Gossamer Willowfly July 10, 2011

148๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž