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hairy sasquatch

the hairy sasquatch is achieved through a semi complex setup. first the lead guy baits a girl into a room where his friends are hiding in the closet. while getting head, he gets the girl topless or naked (preferably the later). then while shes at work down south, he knocks her out with a hard punch to the dome and thats when all his friends jump out of the closet, followed by everyone beating off on her, shaving their pubes and pasting the black mass to her unconscious body and the girl awakes to find herself...the hairy sasquatch.

dude, nate, nolan, jon and matt found the hairy sasquatch last night...her name is andrea!

by mr. make it rain on them hoes October 16, 2008

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

sasquatch niggas

Is them bigg A$$ niggas all covered wit hair.

Sasquatch niggas is like that nigga from conan the barbarian... I think it was Kream adul Jabar.

by Giani April 30, 2008

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Sliding Sasquatch

Have at least a 12 inch penis, 13 is ideal, and it’s gotta be hairy. Then you do a u-turn in the vagina and come back out just enough to jizz on yourself.

Yo, I totally sliding sasquatched Tay last night and it was amazing

by mott mikers November 19, 2018

dan sasquatch

A hairy lifeform from the south who supports canadians in every way possible. has been known to complain of being tired and go to bed early. Sometimes can be seen with an alien and a guido. VERY RARE speciman...

Guy 1: Did you just see that thing pass out under a tree?
Guy 2: Yeah, it must have been the elusive Dan sasquatch.

Man, i need to shave my pubes, im turing into a real dan sasquatch.

by bucketkilla October 26, 2006

sasquatch legs

When a girl does not shave her legs for an extended amount of time causing them to begin to resemble the legs of Bigfoot.

"Winter is finally over, I can get rid of my Sasquatch legs!"

by Maddysin July 19, 2014

Sasquatch Fart

Also known as "Bigfoot Fart".
A brown harsh smoke left in an improperly cleared bong. The humidity inside of a bong can draw smoke into a thicker condensed form, as can cold temperatures, leaving a much denser browner/yellower smoke which is extremely hard to breath in.

These usually cause a great deal of intense coughing, possibly leading to gagging or vomiting.

Sasquatch farts are also known for being particularly rancid tasting and smelling, and despite popular belief they get you no higher than regular smoke.
These can be avoided through using warm bong water or properly clearing a bong before taking another hit.

Can also refer to smoke produced from unclean months-old bong water, which tastes disgusting and can cause health problems if continuously smoked.

James spent that last fifteen minutes coughing his lungs out after inhaling a sasquatch fart.

by FartMaster69F May 17, 2019

Siberian Sasquatch

A large hairy homo sapien male, not necessarily of Siberian descent, but who would be able to winter over in Siberia given his built in giant wooly sweater.

Holy shit, did you see how hairy Joe was?

Yeah, dude, he's a fuckin Siberian Sasquatch.

by sgmpornstarr October 27, 2011