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Xbox Original

A so called human being that plays xbox non-stop. He treats it as a matter of life and death. He usally plays Halo or Call of Duty and talkes shit when he wins after he loses ten games before the win saying the other players got "raped" or "suck". This type of person is common on these type of games and usally refers to your mom comments when things get a bit tough on him or accusing the other player of playing unfair or "hacking" due to their skill level. Also he leaves uncleaver comments on other players sexuality saying yet another common comment to xbox "I can't hear you with the dick in your mouth". These are said at least 100-200 times a day. The age can range from 9-40. At least 9 out of 10 of these so called "Gamers" are still virgins. Not many people like them other then their so called buddies in their Clan. They also rage quit often when the game isn't going their way and they don't want to face the pissed off lobby waiting for them after the game.

Dude here are some of the xbox original
x The Pixel x

by Woomdawg February 14, 2011

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Original Cracka

The OC cannot be defined. The Original Cracka is defined by his crackaness.

Step off mexican, OC son, bust an alamo up on your face, original cracka, what, what!

by The OC April 29, 2004

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Original Man

The black man. The first man on the planet earth therefore the original man. A term coined by the Five Percent Nation in order to instill pride in their followers.

β€œThe treasure is the glacier of ice, Original man possess the power to hold Gs, guns and grams.” -Ghostface Killah

by Kaiser Unique January 18, 2020

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original plumbing

Indication that a female-to-male transsexual or transgender person (ftm) has not had genital surgery.

Most ftm's retain original plumbing due to a lack of desirable options.

by RockRabbit June 12, 2014

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Origin unknown.

unlike anything or anyone else.

This guy is origin unknown.

by nick December 7, 2005

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fucking original

A phrase indicating the speaker is extremely jealous of the intelligence of the person to whom he/she is speaking.

Could you be more fucking original?

by Truth Writer December 13, 2006

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rhandelle (the origin)

Rhandelle was bron when the seven spawn of satan had an incestual orgy. The most grotesque of them all became pregnant. It attempted an abortion which failed. It soon laid an egg, which was put in a barrel of acid and dumped in the sewer. Rats found the egg, chewed it apart and chewed the hideous premature fetus. One day a Nathan was playing in the sewers and he discovered it. He thought it was cute and took it home to parents who let him keep it. He breastfed, (that's right, he) it daily. One day it got too big to hide from the rest of the world so it was bestowed upon Randall from Disney's Recess. Randall and Ms.Finnster took turns fornicating with it and gave it Dirty Sanchez's amd the like. They decided to name it Rhandelle shortly before releasing it into the wild. It was very lonely and became insane and began to mutate and become disfigured. It soon joined a fish cult. (It's disgusting face resemble's a fish.) It was put into an arranged marriage with an old, stinky, putrid, fat, gimped, hairy, deaf, blind, retarted but not impotent lobster. It was the opposite of impotent actually. They moved away to escape the cult ways. They moved into a small shed with hundereds of rats which they had beastiality orgies with. Eventually the lobster wanted money so it taught Rhandelle it's only skill besides poor fucking ability which is sign language. It became a sign interpreter and is currently employed at Cunard Junior High School, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The rest is uninteresting but terribly funny if viewed personally.
*The above is not meant to be viewed as hateful, but a true(while under the influence of narcotics or alchohol) biography.

"Stupid Rhandelle ratted on me for chewing gum in class again today. God, can't she just do her job helping that stupid deaf bitch?"

by Niloc February 21, 2005

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