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Wedding gown

A gown worn by a woman on her wedding day.

See also: wedding dress.

"Who designed your wedding gown?"
"Alfred Angelo. It's style number 1797."

by JaaagMan December 29, 2011

2👍 1👎

wedding haircut

The ritualistic shaving and removal of a young groom's hair prior to his wedding. The process not only saps whatever will he has left to resist but renders him symbolically ready to conform to the brides new world order. A cross between a hairbortion and Marine boot camp. The new "style" must be totally lacking in any resemblence to thr groom's former self yet instantly recognizable as pre-nuptually as to cast a further shadow of unattractiveness on said groom during the honeymoon. Generally consists of one stlye and one style only, known to stylist as " do what the bride wants".

Nice wedding haircut Tyler. Tomorrow must be the big day then?

by monkeyman1968 June 10, 2014

Nathan's Wedding

A name given to something surprising, that you never thought would happen.

"I didn't think pigs could fly, but it turned out to be a bit of a Nathan's Wedding"

Can also be used as an exclamation: "Nathan's Wedding! Did you see that pig fly??"

by ThomasTheGnome July 3, 2023

Donald's Wedding

An event or situation that you don't believe until you actually see it with your own eyes.

"I'm really thirsty, man. How long have we been trekking through this dessert for anyway!? We should go get a drink from that oasis over there..."

"Nah man, that's a Donald's Wedding right there. It doesn't exist, it's our imagination."

"Well let's go check it out just in case"


by ThomasTheGnome July 4, 2023

Jandal Wedding

The Samoan version of a shotgun wedding, when a Samoan guy gets a girl pregnant and then has to marry her or else his mum will hit him with a jandal.

Vaiea had a jandal wedding last week cause he got his girlfriend knocked up.

by mrsandman47 March 6, 2010

The Wedding Year

(n) the 12-month period where everyone you know finds love and decides to rub it in your face by inviting you to wedding after wedding after wedding. Usually occurs in your late twenties or early thirties.

John attended a wedding every weekend during The Wedding Year, and drank himself into a mini coma at three of them.

by DearUniverse April 13, 2016


The process of uniting or "wedding" 2 Netflix queues that occurs during a serious relationship.

After Dick and Jane had been dating for 6 months, they decided to take the next logical step: wed-flixing.

by AliceS November 5, 2007