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toxic king


According to Complex, the song dropped on April 29 as part of the rapper’s highly anticipated album I Never Liked You and explores Future’s experiences as a β€œtoxic king.” (Yahoo.com)

by aho_aho_baka June 17, 2022

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toxic player

Some one in a game that is a horrible teammate and player but thinks they are a fucking genius and not the reason the team is losing.

Toxic player:"Its not my fault your all trash and i did all the work"

Good player:"Nigga you literally had 2 kills and 3848488 deaths so shut the fuck up"

by KidGucci939 March 8, 2017

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toxic friend

a friend that is never happy for you, doesn't support you and talks shit about you behind your back. I've dealt with one and finally ditched her, do it too. Best decision of my life. You go shishtar!

toxic friend: ew she looks so merked and looks gross all the time
Me: unadds her on social media*

by byebitchez August 17, 2018

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toxic grace

The idea of someone who appears to be peaceful and nice, but deep down is filled with hazardous material and subtle toxicity.

She appeared to have all her stuff together, but her boyfriend was a convicted pedophile and she lived at home with her parents. The more I got to know her, the more I realized she was full of Toxic Grace.

by Shorty Montopolis May 1, 2018

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Toxic Harrie

Type one: A Harry Styles fan who calls them selves a One Direction fan and disrespects the other boys and says Harry is so much better
Type two: A Harry Styles fan who does not respect him and only likes him from his looks and that he is very popular right now

1D fan: All the boys are perfect I love them
Toxic Harrie: Only Harry is perfect

by Onedirectionfan2.0 December 4, 2020

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Toxic mind

Someone with pure evil thoughts with no kindness at all!

Mike has a toxic mind full of cruelty and evil!

by Joecrash396 June 18, 2018

Toxic Gamer

Generally aged 5-10 years old, this person has severe insecurity issues. So much so, in fact, that when they go onto an online game, they attempt to bring down their opponents (and sometimes even their teammates) by bullying them, targeting them in games, and slandering them over the game chat.

They are sore losers, too, and refuse to believe that anyone who beats them at an online game is a skilled player, and not some form of a hacker who "used scripts" to beat them.

'jwrshjls' was killed by 'XX_RandomGamer_xX'!

(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): haha
(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): jwrshjls is trash
(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): ez kill
(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): im pro
(jwrshjls): toxic gamer alert

'jwrshjls' has won the game!

(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): HACKER
(jwrshjls): ?
(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): YOU USED SCRIPTS
(jwrshjls): um no
(jwrshjls): i used skills to win
(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): IMPOSSIBLE
(Xx_RandomGamer_xX): BYE HACKER NOOB

'Xx_RandomGamer_xX' has disconnected

(jwrshjls): rage quitter lol

by Backward-Drawback October 9, 2021