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What drunk female Natives (usually borderline homeless or narcotic addicts) add to the end of a sentence when theyโ€™re angry.

โ€œAlright maโ€™am, your Breathalyzer reads .21, hands behind your backโ€

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 6, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

huh uh

"No," usually said causally on topics of minor importance. It is pronounced with the voice dropping slightly, unless it's spoken with emphasis or as a joke.

Not to be confused with it's converse, "uh huh," (meaning yes) which is said with the voice rising slightly.

I can't find my glasses. Have you seen them?
Huh uh.

Are those cookies you're hiding behind your back?
Huh uh!

by kiwi4me November 20, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

uh... yeah

the yeah has a valley girl pronounciation which makes the person asking the question look bad.

Is that my hot pocket you're eating?! Uh... yeah.

by Fred Meyer July 26, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Yuh uh

Yuh uh stands for: I'm a femboy who's 5'2, I sound like a girl, I want to be dominated by someone taller than me, someone that has a bigger unit than me, someone that can breed me until they can't anymore

Me: Nuh uh

Them: Yuh uh

by icedpsych0 October 10, 2023

106๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


British way of saying uh-uh in a rather cute way.

Random:" You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Pirate:"You think I'm scary?"

by Mikael S February 13, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

It's Uh Bust

Itโ€™s Uh Bust: an incident, occurrence, uncomfortable feeling, situations that's not going your way, something that deems a reaction (unplanned) whether solicited or unprovoked.

A feeling that you get when you are forced, by a NOUN (aka bust), to conduct an act that you feel is just not warranted.

Sitting at your desk at work is not uh bust but, spilling a cup of coffee all over your desk is uh huge fucking bust (unprovoked bust).

Three big bowls of charo beans in one evening is not uh bust (although it really is, just go with it) but the aftermath is uh very astronomical bust.

See more examples below -

Whether its work, shit head boss, co workers, friends, family, etc...Any bust moment you may have at any given time. I.e. you get in a car accident 15 min. after driving your new car off the lot, or youโ€™re in a bathroom and have to release the dragon and suddenly realize there is no TP. What uh fucking bust.

Levels of bust:

Itโ€™s uh bust = standard form of bust any minor incident i.e. hot wing sauce on your shirt.

UH HUGE BUST = elevated form of "itโ€™s uh bust" i.e. you're at the movie theater and some asshole has his loud crying kids with him and doesn't take them out and you miss some critical parts of the flick. Uh huge bust

MASSIVE FUCKING BUST aka mega fucking bust, aka mother fucking bust, aka you fucking bust etc...You get the point.

Your girlfriend is banging your boss, it's uh bust.

You just mashed a huge pile of dog shit with your new shoes and didn't realize it unitl you were inside your house, it's uh bust.

Charlie Sheen is crashing at your pad, it's uh bust.

IT guy at work won't quit quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger lines from movies you haven't seen in 20 yrs, it's uh bust.

A girl you took out on a date for the firt time pulls a rusty trombone on you, it's uh bust

by It's Uh Bust August 30, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

uh huh

A phrase that can be used as an expression of agreement, a positive response, such a "yes," or an expression in response to how full-of-shit something someone said was.

Jack: Hey, uhhh...I didn't call you back cuz, what had happend was..."BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHWOMPWOMPWOMPWOMP"

Jill: "Uh huh..."

by I'm Not Stupid August 6, 2011

60๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž