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Narcissists please know this,your partners choose happiness & quite often leavin you

to stew in your own BS is all they can do

as you refuse to address issues you've caused

or through trauma.There's higher percentage of male narcs to females as often it's hidden or apartner just finds it easy to ignore them & get on with their lives only for the narc to turn & accuse them of what they're guilty of.Narcs are clinical lack understanding & refuse to see damage they do to partners.They live in fairytale & repeat same behavior pride & ego brings same outcome. People let them do wrongs fr cheating to lying addiction etc in fact it's when held to account they run off to spin stories.Lies are huge not everyone or all the spouses don't love them they stay cos that is marriage it's not always pretty,but people need to stay out of people's marriage even if it don't work it's not your business find single partners & stop trying to destroy things you're not God.Lot of male

narcs seem to be suffering from

(Vagina Envy Manifesting)It's sad😔they don't know how to talk their Wives or protect them like men supposed to,but instead run competition with them it's why a good percentage of males are on the DL they're too effeminate to lead & think they're the woman

in the relationship which forces the women into a masculine role then they wonder why their women aren't submissive?No woman wants to be arguing with a man who don't know himself. Single life isn't married Life know the difference🤔


Men love your Wives as Christ loves the church.

by Janet21 August 29, 2024


A man disloyal to himself is loyal to no one so please don't be fooled into thinking you special it's cos your time hasn't come yet & a man who disrespects one woman disrespects all women believe it or not 🤔Grown ass men understand you got daughters too treat peoples daughters how you want yours to be treated as every wrong you've ever done has a way of coming back to you & yours when you least expect it.Clean up your act as just when you think you're winning Karmic Retribution waits for you.Remember it's your own doing you got a Wife who is selfless in actions this woman does nothing for payback doesn't look down on people or bully them.She knows who she is & will never allow anyone to compromise her integrity she's not crazy or wishy-washy.
She knows her purpose on earth for it's why she's a certain way with people your Wife's don't do things for noteriety she despises that type of thing.I watch the way she conducts herself never behaving in a nasty manner & I would feel very privileged & proud to have known her if I were you.Sit down & take a look at your life if this doesn't suit you step aside so I can make her happy you'll never know what you got the men talk about how unique she is & if they had met her before you came on the scene you wouldn't have got such a prize except you too foolish to know it. She's the most naturally beautiful & talented woman they've ever seen.You're a bit too old to be going on with all this destructive behaviour don't you think?


This fool out here with such an amazing Wife & still can't behave himself🙊

by Janet21 August 28, 2024






The day will come when everything bad you've done finds it's way back to yo ass..😲

by Janet21 August 24, 2024


You know what I don't get,why do narcissistic men get married?You don't meet your wife needs for love sex or affection "fuck me"pardon the pun,but you're the most selfish disgusting breed ever to walk the earth😔What do you think a marriage is for you fucking stupid men? It's so you don't commit immoral sin by being promiscuous or get carried away by lust which carries risk of sexually transmitted diseases yada yada yada🤮yet you can't even bother to try half of you have hardly any teeth are old boring & miserable as AF,you really think you can hold a hot sexy younger woman in marriage with yo fuckery🤔 yes sex & intimacy gives a closeness like no other grow up. Please jog on a lot of your failings are your own fault all yo fuckin do is fall asleep & when these women's backs are turned you act like you a stud roaming street shacking up in all the different hotels,but yo wives can't get a decent orgasm outta ya😏most of u can't provide protect or lead,except lead these women into sexles marriages while you hoeing.

Everyone always misses a good thing when it's gone,but I guess you so fucked you probably won't see it. Please leave good sexually active women alone stop wasting their time they ain't looking for roommates bro..


Since things are so much better outside get outta these women's lives go get yo match & let these women be with real loyal loving emotionally intelligent & sexually active men who can make them scream all day long🌽🌽 without the need to cheat some of you men can't even manage a day😬

by Janet21 August 22, 2024


An honest loving caring & loyal woman with

high morals can't give anything to a cheating immature sexually immoral man for he is not God & will sleep his way to hell with adultery then try to drag her with him in order to cover his ass. Good women please never give up your values or morals cos of a no good man for in time these men will lose & you won't have to do anything apart be yourselves which is what they don't want you yo be


Let the Creator deal with them as they are led only by their flesh.

by Janet21 August 21, 2024


When will mankind ever learn to treat people better? You do disgusting wicked things to people then you stay in their presence pretending to give a shit simply cos you don't wish to be found out for your dirty actions.

Then you have the audacity to try & make another person look bad,so it takes the heat

off yourself .You are fake AF yet you behave like you don't have a good woman whom you don't even deserve. Men like you will get it one day when your women are in the arms of other men cos you failed to do your jobs as husbands.
Rare honest caring & loving women always get where they need to go they don't rely on anyone to do anything,that's one of the reasons man like you choose them,so you assholes don't have to be responsible as they can survive without you.These women are very strong don't mistake them for weaklings & know they know your BS very well they just give you enough rope to hang yourselves.Question why do you weak immature emotionally stunted love rats like you stay with good women is it cos you can't bear to see them with the right man knowing you are nothing but a failure especially when these women only wanted more time effort love & fidelity?You men aren't young anymore yet still you can't take heed & learn to behave yourselves.
It is what it is 🤔


Remember our divine Creator sees & knows everything,you will not be able to hide your wicked immoral ways.

by Janet21 August 21, 2024


Bro what married man takes photos of himself with his mandhood out to send to other women then says he's not cheating?Worse there's photos of him engaging in sexual activity with said other women,but then he wants a decent wife bro you fucked up you're no example to anyone you can clearly see there's something wrong with you.

Do you know the definition of cheating?
You are thick AF😲Narcissists always end up fuckin themselves bro you got away with so much bullshit, you think everyone is like you,but you didn't count on the ones who'd figure you out. Your wife is a true Light Bearer who never does anything for gain,but rather from her heart & through soul they are usually very modest also humble & it's not cos they don't know how to say No,but cos they prefer not to & men like you are a drain with all that negativity
That a genuine human being🙏🏾


You truly are a fool & sick one at that.Soon everyone will know about the mask you wear to hide your true self.

by Janet21 August 17, 2024