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A Person Who is Beast at anything they attempt to do.

Im going to build a house and Fob goes and builds a Mansion.

by Fob Upset August 24, 2010

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Instead of using fresh of the boat I use it as
(Outside there country)

My AZN coworker came from vietnam so he is a fob (Foreigner outta bounds)

by shawn9257 May 1, 2008

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Fresh Off the Boat (in Australia) used to refer to people of Islander origin. Fobs are generally quite large (as are their families), with a reputation for violence. Fobs make loyal and cool friends to both fobs and non-fobs, and tend to be pretty good singers as well. Also very good at rugby (Union and League). Not offensive unless you want it to be.

NON-FOB: "hey that fob is good at rugby and singing. I would bet that he has a reputation for being belligerent, but would make a loyal friend to me if I asked him to be."

FOB: "bro you just described my entire family ay bro"

by SlashFrehley April 28, 2009

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FOB means "Father of Baby"...best used by single mothers when referring to her sperm donor/ domestic housemate / unofficial husband/ Father of Baby.

Dada: Who's your FOB?
Me: That bloke i met in my Humanities class, how bout you?

by gingmaganda March 14, 2006

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Fresh off the boat - Asians who can't really talk english good and they talk weird ending words sometimes in plural when you don't need to and making words singular when they are plural

Hispanics have it bad too
Fresh off the Border - term used when you see a hispanic dressing really fresh down the street and a gold chain and a buttoned down shirt but when u talk to them they talk spanish back to you

they cant talk good period

by ionowatsurnamelol August 24, 2005

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Famous Older Brother Syndrome; Makes you feel worthless about your older brother being famous and you not. Typicall occurs in highschool students who go to the same school as their famous older brother(duh).

Dude, you're so depressed all the time.
I know man. It's my FOBS. Matt won another award.

by Mini_Stolzy March 15, 2006

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fresh of the boat. A term used for indians which refers to indian people who dress in indian clothes, smell like indian clothes, speak a indian language, or listen to really loud indian music.

she is such a fob, she has super frizz hair, and only listens to indian music

by this is a smiley September 30, 2010

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