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Sexy Guru

Teaches people the way to become sexy. Usually a YouTuber or an instagramer.

Did you watch the Sexy Guru's new video?

by Plazmic_Golem January 14, 2018

Motorcycle guru

Someone important to the motorcycle hierarchy.

I know a good motorcycle guru. Ask her anything about motorcycles, she knows everything there is to know about them. She has read all the brochures and something about it makes her feel tougher, so she started calling people pal even though she never talked that way as a kid, and it's weird when you hear somebody start talking weird in their 30s. It would be like somebody who tried to keep everybody around them from cursing or using language that didn't come from a Disney film or show most of the time suddenly talking like a badass.

by The Original Agahnim January 18, 2022


a very sexy cool person who is the best DJ and part of the bench bitches. He's sooooo sexy and a ladies man he is segsy coolest person ever

that sexy guy is a total DJ GURU

by DJ GURU November 30, 2021

koolaid guru

Plain and simple, the Koolaid Guru is Gerald.

Corey- man that Koolaid is good.
Gerald- of course it is, I'm the Koolaid Guru

by Dong Johnson December 12, 2019

Polo Guru

a polo king, wears polo all day everyday, has polo accessories and clothing.

Xae: Aye you know shaq lampley, thats the original Polo Guru.
Aj: Yea, he be wearing Ralph Lauren everyday!

by noswag228 August 30, 2011

afternoon guru

A person who rises, arrives, or acts after the "Early Bird". A person who is habitually active or wakeful in the Afternoon. Never on time if something is scheduled in the morning, always staying at home when invited to a night-time event, and sleeps for more then 8 hours a night. Typically up between the hours of 11am-9pm.

"He's an afternoon guru! He will never make it to the meeting by 8!" "Is Katie coming to the bar tonight? No, she an afternoon guru. I wouldn't count on it."

by ExtraSweetLu November 8, 2019

guru guru mawaru

Iconic line from kubiwa kyouiku no susume made by the hit band gulu gulu

Ai: do u like kubiwa kyouiku no susume
Lanju: guru guru mawaru?????

by namipamiwami December 6, 2022