Source Code

scope the stone

to examine jewelry, usually a diamond ring, and usually on the finger of a woman who has just received it from her boyfriend/fiancee/husband.

Sara: My husband gave me a beautiful ring for our anniversary.
Sue: Oh cool! Let me scope the stone!

by Lebendy-leben January 29, 2010

Scoop Scope

Aiming in on a sniper and performing a scoop like motion to get your crosshairs on an enemy. Quickly shoot then release the scope.

"Dude Scoop Scoped the shit out of this kid last night!"

by TheWhiteFang February 6, 2011


When a person known as a troll (someone who strives to trick people) pretend they will not troll you but then proceed to 360 in your mouth and trick yo

Conor and Will, the troll-masters, hid behind the bush to troll-scope the kids leaving the party.

Man 2: "Please do not kill me I am reading my book"

man 1: "Ok"
man 1: *kills man 2*
man 1: "get troll-scoped lozer swizz

by jellyfamjuheardd69 May 17, 2017

Pope Scope

A euphemism for an altar boy in the service of His Holiness in Vatican City.

... "Pope Scope" among others, were found apparently saved in the Pope's personal GMail account and have since been confirmed to belong to several altar boys currently working in the service of the Holy See in Vatican City.

by amberdam February 10, 2021


A kill in FPS games like Modern Warfare 2, where the person using a sniper rifle (like the Intervention, M40A3, or R700) zooms in with the regular scope barely enough for the cross-hairs inside the scope to become visible or just before resulting in a Dark Scope and then firing the weapon resulting in a kill. Thus the Quick-Scope.

Perfect MW2 Class for this: Intervention+FMJ, Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Ninja Pro (cause noobs need steady aim).

OMG! Did you see that!?!?! I just 360 quick-scoped OpTic DTreats across the map on Overgrown!

by Kevin2735628375 April 29, 2010

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The Scopes Law

The term was coined by Gaming Steve Message Board member Logan Felipe in a thread discussing evolution*. The law is named after "the State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes", a court case that provides a well documented, real world example of the law in action. The law's creation was also partially inspired by Godwin's Law.

*Note: This entry is not in any way intended to reflect the views and opinions of the Gaming Steve Message Board. All views expressed belong solely to Logan Felipe.

The Scopes Law states: "When discussing evolution in the presence of a creationist, the discussion always becomes a religious debate".

by Logan Felipe September 20, 2008

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Bod Scoping

The process of either males or females checking out their own sex within the locker room or changing room of a gym or fitness center.

Purpose: to check out other people's physical features, which makes oneself either feel better or worse about their own body.

I hate changing at the gym, I feel as though everyone is just bod scoping me up and down!

by Mr Natural May 16, 2007

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