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Top Gear

A motoring version of Last of the Summer Wine for petrol heads.

Three mid-life guys pratting about and having a ball in expensive motorcars, usually with no definable reason but with amusing results. Moreso with Top Gear challenges.

Probably the most entertaining programme on the BBC.

Did you see Top Gear?

Yeah, that Zonda is wicked.

by Townsman September 27, 2014

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gears of WHORE

exp. A name given to Gears of War or Gears of War 2 by someone who is frantically enthusiastic about playing another game, so he yells "Gears of Whore!", while alone in his bedroom, thinking about gibbing his next victim with a gnasher shotgun.

Frantic Gamer: "I'm finna play a nex' game o' Gears of Whore!!!"

by eminutia January 20, 2010

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Landing Gear

the basic act of placing a sheet of toilet paper in the toilet before you take a shit, with the sole purpose of preventing water from bouncing up your ass.

also a means to mute the turd-to-water impact

(Boyfriend innocently walking past the bathroom)


Boyfriend: Babe, I totally just heard your turd hit the water. And I'm pretty sure water just shot up your ass.

Girlfriend: Yeah, sorry. Forgot to use my landing gear.

by KetchupVSKatsup August 20, 2010

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metal gear

1. a phrace to make people feel awkward by coming un behind them and whispering it to their ear with a rugged many voice

*sneak senak senak*
"...Metal Gear..."

by 5n4k3_G33r March 20, 2009

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Real Time in the Nunavut Territory.
An automotive reference to the speed of events, especially those effected by Natures's still dominant presence in that Canadian Territory.

The crew was in "Nunavut gear", next to neutral, waiting for a plane that can not fly in current conditions.

by OttO December 27, 2005

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christmas gear

The new clothes that people wear that they recieved for the holidays. Usually worn the first week in January and is recognized by the new clothes smell and creases left from being folded in boxes since Thanksgiving.

Steve wore his Christmas gear on his first day back from winter break and all the cool kids teased him for his shoes.

by Fatbox January 4, 2006

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Scoutโ€™s Gear

Lubricant of choice and a gak towel.

Glad I had my scoutโ€™s gear packed cause the counselor visited my tent around midnight.

By the end of camp I was borrowing other scoutโ€™s gear to make it through.

At camp, you could hear the boys breaking out their scoutโ€™s gear all through the night to give it a good old wank. By the end of summer those gak towels were stiff. Some had to move on to a crust sock.

by Dick Onchin September 6, 2020