Source Code

Vision Quest

Forcing sleep deprivation upon yourself, usually more than 24 hours without sleep, with the intended purpose that motor functions will be impaired, and hopefully you will see things that are not there.

Illegal substances are NOT part of a vision quest, only drug allowed is caffiene.

Me: Holy shit man... I just slept for 15 hours.
Friend: Why?
Me: I vision quested two nights ago

by Epheras February 6, 2005

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Questing Vole

A witty and inquisitive person, someone you would want to spend time with.

I had a beer with Lord Palmerston last night, he's a real questing vole.

by Orange Glow June 23, 2008

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Quests before Breasts

The preference of videogames, boardgames, or any sort of virginity-prolonging entertainment over females.
Used in a similar (although far sadder) fashion to "bros before hoes."

Guy 1 : Hey, do you wanna come to the wicked party a couple blocks away this evening? There are gonna be a lot of cute girls over there.

Guy 2: Nah, I wanna get my dwarven paladin Alvannor to level 80 tonight. Quests before breasts!

Guy 1: Uhh.....alright.

by garuda1 June 30, 2014

A Tribe Called Quest

The greatest hip hop group to ever walk this Earth. Composed of mildly famous rappers Q-Tip and Phife Dawg, along with Ali Shaheed (Who makes their beats), they held a virtual monopoly on their genre of hip hop during the Early/mid 1990's. Their best work can be found in the tracks "Award Tour", "Bonita Applebum", "Electric Relaxation", "Da Booty", "Check the rhime" (No, I did not mispell that), "Can I kick it?" and "Find a way".

However, the group is now disbanded, with no knowledge of what the future may hold for this exceptional tandem.

Any modern day hip hop fan, black, white, asian or hispanic, would call you "gay" for listening to A Tribe Called Quest or De La Soul, simply because the two groups don't rap about drugs, whores and violence.

by Grimm_Demize September 28, 2003

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A Tribe Called Quest

A fantastic hip-hop group formed in the late 80's-early 90's by now successful solo artist Q-Tip. They had a unique blend of jazz, rock, and alternative hip-hop that was not rivaled by many other groups. They have now disbanded, but their classic album "The Low End Theory" will live on as one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever recorded.

"Back in the days when I was a teenager,
Before I had status and before I had a pager,
You could find the abstract, listening to hip-hop,
My pops used to say it reminded him of bebop,
I said 'Well, daddy, don't you know that things go in cycles,
Way that Bobby Brown is just ampin' like
It's all expected, things are for the lookin',
If you got the money, Quest is for the bookin''"

-"Excursions" A Tribe Called Quest

by Blackbird December 27, 2005

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Oculus Quest 2

your badass standalone vr headset

Guy 1:oh shit man u got an Oculus Quest 2?
Guy 2:nah I got an Oculus Quest 1

by 3txEXE January 26, 2021

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

a tribe called quest

an amazing and nearly overlooked hip hop group.

lyrics include: "responsibility is something i can't deny, illegalities are a narcissists reply" and such. if you haven't listened to them it's never too late

a tribe called quest is on another level.

by bpmbrent April 25, 2009

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