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the wrong spelling of caffeine

you spelled caffiene (caffeine) wrong, you idiot

by Nicolllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee July 26, 2008

62👍 13👎

caffiene slut

Someone that is a slave to caffiene and can't live without it.

Suzy had her third coffee of the day, she's such a caffiene slut.

by AMaha June 27, 2008

4👍 2👎

caffiene cocktail

made by dr dew the worlds leading expert in caffinated beverages it is the elixir
of the gods. they bath with this liqudated heavan it

ingridients include:
amp overdrive
full throttle
amp n e thing
all the monsters
all the full throttels
all the mountain dew flavors
the sobe energy drinks
the hulk hogan drink
basicly n e thing with caffiene n it
rip it
red bull
power thirst
pixie stixs

hey guys wanna make the caffiene cocktail tonight?
guys u wanna go cheese?
guys im cheesing my effing ballz off right now

by dr dew May 9, 2008

4👍 4👎


Another word for 'Caffiene Addcit'

"My name is Joe and I am a Caffien-Addict"

by kmasfu20 July 14, 2020