To squeeze hands like a champion; The act of clasping your hands and shifting them from the left side of your body to the right and back again in an act of personal celebration or in a moment of accomplishment; a physical body gesture that says "Bravo!"; used a means of offering congraulations or "kudos" to another person.
Greg was seen giving a champ squeeze on the podium after placing first in the race.
When your girl has covid and squeezes her pussy tightly around your cock while she coughs during sex.
Kept trying to make he cough last night so she’d give me a covid squeeze.
My girls pissed because I came too quick, but she gave me a covid squeeze and I couldn’t pull out.
You friend or homie, your good friend, someone that's always there for you
You're my squeeze
My squeeze is always there for me
Pure, explosive, liquid shit blasting from the ass.
I’m so sick. I can’t hold this squeeze soup any longer.
Drank too much last night. Squeeze soup today.
I dropped off some squeeze soup and didn’t flush.
when your holding in a lot of pee and finally let it out
jeff: i have to go squeeze a rumble
hannah: is it because of all that apple juice you drank?
v. to receive a hand job
n. hand job
Friend 1: How was your night last night with Jill?
Friend 2: It was pretty good, but I only got a wein squeeze out of the deal.
Love Squeezings or Love Squeezins' is the warm and not always necessary hugging, cuddling, and/or snuggling of someone.
Synonyms include:
Friendly Cuddle, Random Snuggles, Embracing huggins'
"I'm so bore...",