To stick it to your crabby boss in a very rude fashion, then get fired shortly after.
Mr. Nagger: Jim, you were supposed to have that proposal in by friday! Now it's monday and you STILL don't have it. What excuse do you have for yourself?
Jim: My excuse is your a peice of shit and id rather jump off a bridge than complete an assignment for your grumpy old ass.
Mr. Nagger: Your fired! Get the fuck out my office before I call security. You really just Charlie Sheen'ed yourself there, dumbass.
He did half his body weight in cocaine within 2 days, we started calling him Charlie Sheen
Another slang for and type of drug speed related.
I'm geeked up. I'm on that charlie sheen.
Friend 1: How did the date go?
Friend 2: Fine aside from the Charlie Sheen.
"Did you see that guy Charlie Sheening over there?"
"Wow, I have never seen anyone Charlie Sheen as much as he did."
Charlie sheen; to do a line of coke out of a hookers asshole
Satan; Yo jesus, wanna do a Charlie Sheen with me?
Jesus; Do what? Im straight!
Satan; No! Its where you snort coke out of a hookers ass!
Jesus; Oh! Well then fuck yea!
A complete unbridled mess of a human being.
Person 1: Hi.
Charlie Sheen: erknghfkakapoopoo!!!