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Worship and prayer

Kid: Hey joe, whats w a p?

Joe: Worship and prayer, im sure the priest at church could tell you all about it!

Kid: Yay I love wap!

by November 16, 2021


Worship and prayer

Would you like to join me for a Wap session later?

by Pen island owner October 26, 2020


1. stands for Wireless Access Point

2. Worship and Prayer

1. bruh my WAP is so broken
2. Time for some WAP at church prime

by Dev+Luka43MonthsPregnant October 20, 2020


WAP is a religious slang which stands for "Worship and Praise" It is used very commonly among young people, especially when discussing the bible.

Priest: Who's ready to have some WAP?
Church: Amen!

by Pog_Wog2 September 3, 2020


Worship and Prayer

I am going to church to WAP

by Idonotknowaname1248526 October 23, 2020


Waffles And Pancakes

Hey, have you ever had WAP before?
Man, these WAP are lit!
Gimme some WAP!

by ZestyOlivesFragrantlyHighlight November 11, 2020


A acronym for Worship and prayer.

I want to WAP right now, I feel like WAP -ing right now soo bad. I make ladies WAP

by Spooderdude2007 November 19, 2020