(1). <n> Slang for semen.
(2). <v> Slang for the action of ejaculation.
(1). After we had sex, I had to clean up all the jizz on my bedsheets.
(2). I masturbated a bit too hard and jizzed.
White sticky awesome succulent goo from pp
Oh daddy i just JIZZED all over you're beatuiful face
Jizz is a modern day word for germs. Although it used to be a slang word for sperm or semen, it now encompasses any type of substance that’s gross or dirty.
With so many people using the stairs now, there is tons of jizz on that hand rail.
An upbeat, swinging genre of music in the Star Wars universe.
(Most notably performed by Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes and the Max Rebo Band.)
Leia: “This music is pretty steezy, what’s it called?”
Han: “Jizz”
something that your mom was swallowing last night
Bob: there was jizz on my moms bed last night. what the hell did you do?
Person 1: Hey look at that jizz!
Person 2: I wouldn’t swim in that.