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Baby Goggles

When parents are blinded by affection for their newborn child. Even when said child may have been truncheoned by the ugly stick.

Mother: Isn't she beautiful?!
Friend: Wow! Look at the baby on that nose. It seems like you have got a serious case a baby goggles.

by Pseudo-Nympho January 31, 2009

120๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


A verbal cock up from the mouth of the Clown Princess of Denmark, whilst explaining to reporters a normal routine with a baby, namely, her daughter. In an effort to conceal her Tassie-Taroona traits whilst speaking, she has a tendency to masticate diction into bogan bouillabaisse, resulting in an indefinable cacophony - she does the same with Danish!

Clown Princess Mary should be better at both lingoes, but apparently finds both hard to conquer, betraying her alien presence in royal circles, with all her rhetorical bogan blunders, including the strange 'BABY UP'

by ANIPUL March 16, 2009

791๐Ÿ‘ 421๐Ÿ‘Ž

dutch babies

also known as a german pancake.
a type of pancake that is shaped like a bowl and made from a light batter. can be eaten as a breakfast or dessert.

Let's make some dutch babies for dessert.

by mysterybakingwoman April 10, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rhino Baby

Derogatory slang for an excessively obese woman.

Dude, check out that rhino baby.

by Zap Rowsdower September 13, 2007

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painted baby

A child that is "painted" with airbrushed makeup to look like a freakish barbie doll for children's beauty pageants.

That TLC special on painted babies always creeps me out

Woa, check out that painted baby in Little Miss Sunshine, what a freak!

by Sue Pirnova November 6, 2008

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Baby Guinness

A shot comprised of 1/2 Baileys or other similar irish cream liquer and Tia Maria or some other coffee liquer, presented in a layered effect to resemble a Guinness.

Pour in half a shotglass of coffee liquer of your choice, then pour the Baileys over a spoon onto the coffee liquer so it rests neatly on top, to resemble the foam head of the Guinness.

"I want another Baby Guinness shot, theyre awesome!

by Donut! October 15, 2008

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Jerk Baby

Someone who is such a jerk, they had to be born as one.

That guy over there is such a jerk baby.

by Wibly September 11, 2008

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