A specialty chicken made by Marc.
Gee, I sure wish Marc would make Chicken a La Chrissy tonight.
A fatter than it is long weiner with a scoop of your favorite ice cream!!!
Your mom only likes choads if there choad a la mode.
Mint Chocolate Chip is my favorite flavor of choad a la mode.
La Toya Jackson is most insane, deranged, crackheaded member of the Jackson family who has done many an interview to try and get 15 minutes of fame. La Toya's name can be used to describe someone who will do anything for attention.
Jason: Bro, your sister just flashed the whole football team.
Pete: I'm not surprised, she's been acting like La Toya Jackson ever since her boyfriend dumped her for that freshman.
:Are you ready for a night in the town lad?
:Yes mate, got my Danny's (Danny La Rue) on
When you wear your headphones with the headband over your eyes, making you look like the Star Trek character Geordi La Forge.
My headphones fell over my eyes, so I wound up Geordi La Forging.
Viva Las Vengeance is Panic! At The Disco's (is it P!ATD if its just brendon) final album (skill issue) released on August 19th 2022.
"i like Viva Las Vengeance"
"were breaking up"
What you say to your best male friend as he's leaving.
Good: Brosta La Vista
Better: Brosta La Vista, Baby!
Best: Brosta La Vista, Mother Fucker!