Source Code

paint the wall

To vomit in a projectile fashion.

Don't paint the wall, man. Hurl in the shitter.

by Pinkie LeStrange April 4, 2010

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Break The Walls Down

1. ultimately fucking shit up and getting away with it

2. breaking the sterotypical labels

3. breaking down a wall for no particular reason

Guy1 "I got banned from mexico"
Guy2 "Why"
Guy1 "I broke the walls down"

Girl1 "How come you dont hang clique at your high school"
Girl2 "Because I know how to break the walls down"

"I got bored ,so I went to the Mexican border and broke the walls down

by SilverSlice February 24, 2011

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Wall Street Journal

An overall great newspaper that writes very compelling articles related to Business. Since it's conservative-leaning, the op-ed section is a MAGAt cesspool.

Wall Street Journal is a good source but avoid reading the opinion section. You will save brain cells from getting murdered.

by Soul_Driver December 27, 2021

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Wall demolishion movement

A militant movement that seeks to tare down the wall between the US and Mexico so that people can pass through as they will.

John is in the wall demolishion movement.

by Deep blue 2012 July 9, 2010

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Pissed up the wall

To have spent money buying alcohol to drink.

Came across it c.50years ago when a teenager on a building site.
I think it may be where "pissed up" meaning to be drunk came from.

Foreman: "It's Monday and he asked for a sub, he got paid on Friday! All his wages pissed up the wall"
Me: "What's pissed up the wall?"
Foreman: "What? Oh, it's going out and getting drunk."
Me: ....?
Foreman: "Staggering home they'll feel like a piss and go against the nearest wall: what they'd spent their wages on just gets pissed up the wall."

by A handle not already used May 5, 2020

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Throw a pineapple at a wall

To ejaculate on a wall

I'm going to go throw a pineapple at a wall real quick.

by LEO VULTARE December 14, 2016

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Anti-Swag Wall

n- The separation of one's self from one with no swag to avoid the loss of Swag/Cred/G Points (varies by city).

The equivalent of a restraining order.

Wigger: SWAG SWAG SWAG, aye yo I gots soooo much swag I can't be stopped! SWAG!!!
Normal Person: -.- *Walks away* You Can't Follow Me, you've been placed behind an Anti-swag Wall.

by SupaHotFire November 30, 2011

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