A gender neutral Term for a Mary Sue or Gary Stu.
This describes a Character in Movies, Fiction or Games, which shows the Creators ideal mostly of himself.
Characters like this are mostly overpowered, like a Gamecheat or havn't any real Problems to solve. They are imidiatly accepted and loved by everyone and gain everything with nearly no effort an/or no reason.
This is a ruined Johnson!
This Character is a runined Johnson
the girl that everyone sees but doesn’t really notice how amazing she is until you have actually gotten to know her. The type of girl you miss when you go from seeing her everyday to once in awhile. The person that will dance all crazy with you who will listen to your problems who will make fun of you when you fall on your face and who will do the splints for no reason just because. she’s crazy beautiful but also just plain simple crazy
sadie johnson will not stop talking about the office does she listen to any other kind of music other than glee
When you perform a strange act on a form of food, most commonly sandwiches
'That idiot just pulled a Sam Johnson on that sandwich'
the fucking best guy in the fucking world. He chefs up dickheads daily he is way better than that cunt felix and legit is the best fucking guy.
sam johnson is fucking amazing and is way better than that not richard
person 1: ay you know joe johnson?
person 2: joe johnson who?
person 1: joe johsnon your mom hahaha lol lmao
person 2: your ip address is 192.321.46.54
A Hot mf he’s practically the human tripod
oh wow i could really go for a corbin johnson. to fill my thirst
Full Johnson is a way of life. Carrying yourself so upright, so erect. Just powering through life like a hard cock.
I was living lower than a flappy flaccid penis until I started going into life Full Johnson. It changed everything.