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A meme-o-holic is a person obsessed with memes. Usually they cancel plans because they need to catch up on the latest Comment Awards or watch all their missed episodes of dank doodle memes.

Ex: β€œOf course he didn’t show up at Mc Donald’s, he’s a meme-o-holic!

by Lullaby234 February 13, 2018

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Schlond Poofa (meme)

Hahahahahahhaha hahaha the Schlond Poofa is so funny hahahahahhahahahagahgagagagaggag

Stay calm and grab a Schlond Poofa (meme)

by $EM!N@H4LL1W3LL June 10, 2022

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Every Kel meme is canon.

An inside joke from the Omori fanbase. Kel is someone who is energetic and kind. It's easy to imagine him being anywhere doing anything. To the Omori fandom, putting Kel in your post automatically makes it canon to the game.

An inside joke from the Omori fanbase. Kel is someone who is energetic and kind. It's easy to imagine him being anywhere doing anything. To the Omori fandom, putting Kel in your post automatically makes it canon to the game.

Every Kel meme is canon.

by Kel is canon March 9, 2022

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The place where people go to expell their terrible dark humor. Its were go go to let a little evil out when being forced to put on a smile all day at work. This is the meme mansion for taking a dump.

Mitchell Korbin had to put 89 Marbles in his butthole from that one post Nipples put on Anti-Everything Meme Page.

by Juicestain, King of bllod and October 11, 2019

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Delete meme dump day

December 17 is the day of delete meme dump day

On this day all mods are allowed to delete meme dump
This allows the mods to relax as the would not have to deal with meme dump

Memetastic discord mod: Yooo it's delete meme dump day!
Memetastic: Yes.

by Shitposter69420 December 11, 2020

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The left can't meme

Something that sub human filth from the right says since they don't know anything about politics or real life in general

Sub human: "hurr durr meme of lefty hypocrisy "
Normal person: "heres another meme of pointing out the rights hypocrisy"
Sub human: " the left can't meme!" *sobs*

by I'm superior to you August 30, 2021

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meme reviewπŸ‘πŸ‘

Youtube's favorite show hosted by Felix Kjellberg or known as Pewdiepie where he looks at memes of the week on the r/pewdiepie subreddit and rates them on a scale of one to ten.

hey did you watch the new meme reviewπŸ‘πŸ‘

yeah felix gave the skidaddle skidoodle meme a 0 tho

by saladass_ April 15, 2019