Rough sex, hitting it hard from the back, going ham on the vagina, standing up in it
I'll knock your break shoes loose
When a new addition to an existing work force gets human fecal matter delicately inserted into their gym shoes unbeknownst to the owner.
Karen's been here long enough to finally be initiated into the group with a good ol' Delran soft shoe.
A hoe who is to busy to put her shoes away in a normal place.
Look at that hoe Ashley, she just wildin with them shoes on the counter.
The act in kicking a football off a tee, and your shoe flies off and flies in a similar direction as the foot ball.
(Sonny Bill steps up to the tee)
Dude 1: C'mon Sonny!
Dude 2: Wonderful kick!
Dude 3: I reckon he should get double the points because the shoe went through to.
Dude 4: Cool, a Shoe F-O
Nickname for Joshua -( Josh shoe uh)
Shoe-uh was my best friend, back in the day.
A hole in your shoe but not the kind of hole that you... You know
Dude I'm gonna fuck my shoe hole
Children wore there dirty shoes
Children wore there dirty shoes