Someone who posts intentionally inflammatory rhetoric knowing it will be quote retweeted condemning the post in order to push their page & gain followers who do share similar viewpoints and/or get viral posts. (A type of troll who uses hate to get views on a social media platform)
Don't RT that. They're clearly a hate farmer.
Female breasts “Boobies” that do not bounce.
Dang Sarah has some hateful Jubbly’s
he is soo weird. he said boy only liking girl that have "clear face", but look at yourself bitches.
you want a clear face girl? f i x y o u r f a c e f i r s t! what a racist boy
want a spoil of the second letter? it's L
I hate A letter because he is racist to girls
When a person fakes yawning to get out of a conversational with a boring person.
Dude, I know you don’t like Chemistry, but did you just Hate Yawn me.
Thats my new slogan!
Kelly: I'm going to plaster it like a campaign sign all over my ride. Then get a pair of shorts and logo that on it.
Seeing men are all about the T&A these days, well we all know they have naturally been that way since the dawn of time, on the left breast It will be written, Friends Don't Let Friends, then the "Right" Breast say, Hate And Die!
Or, You could just plaster it all over on of you S-T modles! either way it's what should be real, but alas falls short these days. Like the MADD for Mothers Against Drunk Driving!
That's right! "REAL FRIENDS":
Definition 1:
"Friends Don't Let Friends Hate And Die!"
Hym "Why do people hate Ayn Rand?"
A fucking retard "Because she says it's wrong for me to expect them to sacrifice their lives for I can harvest them for resources and organs for my kids! If I don't convert their lives into wealth and then funnel it up the hierarchy, I won't have any stuff! Or, worse, I won't have relatively better stuff!"