A white man who only likes asian girls
Mark only likes asian girls, he's a rice farmer
I bought spaghetti Rice Krispies out of SuperValu today!
Nothing big only the best meme page in Belize although no one knows who runs the page. P.s It might be someone from S.J.C
Your life sad nuh, nuh ansa cause i know eh sad.... just follow Belizean rice and memes ?
To be fuckin there bitch or girl
Yes Mike I'm slapping rice with your bitch
A Carey Baptist College school yard fight which involved a fat idiot fighting a scrawny Asian retard. Shocking ending - the Asian retard won.
I watched Big Mac V Fried Rice. Ben kicked his ASR’s.
One humongous dude who has a long nose
Haha get fucked bitch love your favourite person Arran rice
A Rice Party is the act of being involved in a sexual act with multiple Asian men. The rice part refers to the average small size of Asian men's penises. While a Rice Party may not make a woman climax, she may very much enjoy their rice milk as it has hints of soy sauce and sesame oil.
Woman 1: When I went to Japan I had a Rice Party. It wasn't as satisfying as I thought though.
Woman 2: after my Rice Party I got pregnant and that's how I had my kid, Nejiro. He's only 4 but does my taxes and is in Oxford.