Source Code

Douche Bag

When your name is Stevie or Shane.

Stevie: What up man?

Cool Guy: Hey guy.

Stevie: Wanna hang out?

Cool Guy: No, you're a douche bag.


Shane: What up man?

Cool Guy: Hey guy.

Shane: Wanna hang out?

Cool Guy: No, you're a douche bag.

by iAmNotADouche January 25, 2010

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Douche Bag

Typically someone born after 1990. A person that can name every American Idol winner, but doesn't know who the Vice President of the United States is. Someone who is overly obsessed with reality shows. This person also has an affinity for bands like Nickleback, Three Days Grace, or Good Charlotte. A person who thinks that people actually give a fuck about their tweets. Someone who "likes" everyones feeds on Facebook. Rather than playing the field, male douche bags usually have to have a girlfriend to feel complete. Male douche bags typically have to be nice to a girl in order to fuck her because they aren't capable of sealing the deal otherwise. Someone who gets their ass whooped in a fair fight and tries to sue. Michael Moore. People who get offended over stupid shit. People who don't speak their mind because they are afraid that someone else will get offended. Attorneys.

Person 1: So what are you gonna do tonight?

Douche Bag: I'm probably going to stay at home. Jersey Shore is coming on tonight.

Person 1: Wow...you're such a Douche Bag.

by TheRealF'inDeal May 22, 2011

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The next step in the hierarchy of douche's. There is your regular douche-bag, then there is a souche-lord. Someone who goes above and beyond to be an ass

"I was thinking of giving him another chance when two girls said they hooked-up with him in one night."

"What a douche-lord"

by katwoman007 February 24, 2010

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Douche Canoe

Someone who is a bitch, a pussy, a douche punk motha fukka. A vagina looks some what like the shape of a canoe, and is where a douche goes. So calling someone a douche canoe is calling them a pussy or a bitch.

"Man I cant stand that do0d. He's such a bitch."
"Hell yeah he's a douche canoe for sure"

by theDunson January 26, 2019

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A person that is such a douche than they transcend being a douchebag and go right into the category of being an entire canister of douche material.

"Al's here? I can't stand that douche-canister!"

by Dave Losso November 13, 2007

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Douche Bag

Main Entry: douche bag
Pronunciation: 'dΓΌsh 'bAg
Function: noun
Date: circa 1963
slang : 1 One with an undescribeable fucked up-ness hence stupidity, poor idea of what's cool, possibly an arrogance about them. 2 One with an intolerable personality.

Other Forms: Douche, Douchey

Meat heads are douche bags.

Dude, stop being a douche bag.

Dude, stop being a douche.

Dude, that was a douchey move.

by Slick Fire January 12, 2004

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a hyperactive douchebag who makes perverted jokes and is basically a useless human being. people will write in the bathroom about this person.

"Dude, my mom is pissed at me for sneaking out."
(kid walks up)
"I was in your mom's poon last night."
"You are the biggest douche-queen I've ever met, b"

by Bob Gorton December 19, 2006

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