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by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. February 2, 2021




by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. February 1, 2021


an upbeat, swinging genre of music. Played by Jizz-wailers. I know what you are thinking

Guy: Man i just love jizz
Guy 2: What the fuck? You love jizz? Are you fucking gay?

Guy: No the star wars music
Guy 2: Fuck you, you nerd

by AngryStarWarsNerd March 21, 2022

Spirit Jizz

The act of Jizzing while your a spirit. The jizz has the same properties as a spirit does.

Woot spirit jizzed on another Bitch!

by dickganker97 March 3, 2010

Jizz bomber

Somebody who nuts a week’s worth of cum inside a balloon, ties it up, and drops it on top of somebody passing by, covering them in your kids

Man 1: Ah Jeez! Who dropped all this jizz on me?
Man 2: It must’ve been that guy way up there! fucking Jizz bomber!

by I steal glasses from blind kid March 3, 2024

Firework Jizz

(n.) Jizz that comes out at such speed, force, and shear power it is comparable to that of a firework
(v.) The act of giving someone firework jizz, typically your own

His room looked like a 4th of July after-party with the amount of firework jizz on the bed

by Low Ball Wizard September 15, 2023

Juicy Jizz

Semen flavored juice

Yo you tried that juicy jizz shit yet? That shit mad bussin!

Oh, that shit makes me squirt when I drink it!

by RapingKids May 25, 2024