an upbeat, swinging genre of music. Played by Jizz-wailers. I know what you are thinking
Guy: Man i just love jizz
Guy 2: What the fuck? You love jizz? Are you fucking gay?
Guy: No the star wars music
Guy 2: Fuck you, you nerd
The act of Jizzing while your a spirit. The jizz has the same properties as a spirit does.
Woot spirit jizzed on another Bitch!
Somebody who nuts a week’s worth of cum inside a balloon, ties it up, and drops it on top of somebody passing by, covering them in your kids
Man 1: Ah Jeez! Who dropped all this jizz on me?
Man 2: It must’ve been that guy way up there! fucking Jizz bomber!
(n.) Jizz that comes out at such speed, force, and shear power it is comparable to that of a firework
(v.) The act of giving someone firework jizz, typically your own
His room looked like a 4th of July after-party with the amount of firework jizz on the bed
Yo you tried that juicy jizz shit yet? That shit mad bussin!
Oh, that shit makes me squirt when I drink it!