Source Code

Gay Jew

Eli Duplantis (The gay jew + he is a lepracon)

Frick you you gay jew!

by Mr. Mosquioto May 2, 2020

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Jews for Jesus

Jews for Jesus. You can be a true Jew and love Jesus. Jesus was a Jew!

Jay is a big Jew for Jesus. He married Jesus because the big J is Jay’s bae.

When she prays, she prays to all the names of God and Jesus and more.

They held hands in bed and that’s all. Because Jews for Jesus.

by BeStill December 5, 2019

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scorpion jew

moniez grabzoid with the pincers and the stinger.

'General insult'
You Scorpion Jew, go pincer da moniez swag.

by QuadNader August 16, 2011

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cummy jew

A retard with cum all over his face

You fucking Cummy Jew.

by NigaBoi900 January 17, 2018

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Jew Nugget

A Jewish chicken nugget

A Jewish chicken that has been turned into a chicken nugget, henceforth JEW NUGGET

by Jew Nugget Caleb August 26, 2015

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felix the jew

someone called felix who has a tiny circumsised cock who is also a jew

that felix the jew has a tiny cock

by nan muncher May 13, 2015

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Jiggle the Jew

When a circumcised man masturbates.

Jim: Hey Frank, what did you do last night?

Frank: Nothing much, threw on a porno and decided to Jiggle the Jew.

by Da Skill March 9, 2011

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