Jasmins personality disorder is when some idiot named jasmin thinks they're 2 different people. Also known as schizophrenia
Person a: that person was just super nice to me!
Person b: really? They were just glaring at me as if I killed their dog!
Person a: they must have jasmins personality disorder
Beating the shit out of your dick and then partner, while sing the lyrics to any 50s songs. Then find a third person and shove your fist as far up there ass as they spit on the other person face. Then you projectile cum on both of them, and then do a 3 hour anal session.
Any one up for a three person tickler?
Is a state of displacement,mania,schizophrenia,psychosexual development and schizo affective disorder where auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations are causes to uncontrolled impulses for rape , sexual harrassment ,and child/sexual abuse ect....
Carl went to the mental health clinic because he was under the impression that he was under sexual personality disorder
Someone used willingly and repeatedly for intercourse often involving kink with various types of metal and plastic objects being inserted into the person.
"I want someone I can practice with my new dildos on"
"Maybe you should get a personal swing set"
no denying it.
hey look! It’s the most adorable person over there!
When you imagine a scenario in which common sense tells you that you will never be in, but you want to prove a point to someone, someday, somewhere.
a) "yeah, i should pack the toolkit, manicure set and superglue, might need that when i get there"
b) "your going to the corner shop"
a) "just had a personal panic lie (ppl) sorry"
b) "breathe"