Source Code

Talking Tom Effect

When you say something, then someone near you says the exact same thing after you. Based on the video game series, Talking Tom.

Cole: God, that ass is big.
Martin: God, that ass is big.
Avery: OMG! The Talking Tom Effect!

by Sonic the head chalk April 25, 2022

Sleepin' Yo Talk

Sleepin' Yo Talk - when one or more people are acting stupid and or "trippin'"

Person 1 - " Bro are you stupid cause yo head shaped funny asf!"
You - "Bro i dont wanna hear it cause it sound like to me, you sleepin' yo talk right now"

by Gamegoblinjr42 May 11, 2021

Booty Talking Pants

Sweat pants women wear with writing on them

Man-Hey check that ass over there with bitch on it .

Man2 -Yeah those are booty talking pants

by troubledemon March 27, 2010

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we need to talk

phrase suggestive of a problem or figmented occurence of an anomaly within the relationship matrix that is regularly preceded or followed by a female friend/significant other/spouse standing in front of the television during one of a number of pivotal guy-moments, performed ALWAYS at the wrong time, such as:

(a) Within the last period/quarter/few minutes of any close game.

(b) The last (or only) game of any championship, ESPECIALLY in the most pivotal part (NBA Finals, World Series, Super Bowl, Stanley Cup Finals, any Game 7).

(c) Any episode of "The Man Show".

(d) The last level or final boss of any video game you're about to beat.

Announcer: "Johnson's at the 20, one defender to beat! Clock's ticking down... final seconds... he's at the 5... does a spin move... he can't shake him..."


"We need to talk"

by Spider RasMon November 24, 2003

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Trash Talking Circle

Group of NFL fans on YouTube who brag and complain about their favorite teams when they win and lose. It's beginnings are thought to trace back to 2006. Known as "The TTC" for short

The Trash Talking Circle is for NFL fans on YouTube

by NFL Fanatic February 18, 2010

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we need to talk

Generic phrase used in all cultures to denote the ending of a relationship and the final dispersement of common property. Tip of the iceberg.

Call me. We need to talk. It's okay.

by Anonymous September 21, 2003

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all talk no action

Saying something to somebody but not going through with, being all talk and no actions happening.

All talk no action : A guy says to a girl "We will go on that date on Saturday. I'll pick you up at seven", yet he never pitches up, being all talk and no action.

by Daisy12 September 15, 2013

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