Tubal ligation or tubectomy (also known as having one's "tubes tied") is a surgical procedure for sterilization in which a woman's fallopian tubes are clamped and blocked or severed and sealed, either of which prevents eggs from reaching the uterus for implantation.
I had a tubal ligation after having my children and am now T-safe. Unable to get pregnant.
T-ara are the worlds biggest group they paved the way for all groups from the beginning of time they pumped out quality music and have great members stan talent stan quality music stan T-ARA
wow that T-ARA group is the best group
T-ara is a 6 member 2nd gen girl-group that debuted in 2009 with the single "Lies" under MBK Entertainment. Since then, they have released numerous #1 hits, such as "Bo Peep Bo Peep", "Cry Cry", "Roly Poly", "Lovey Dovey", which have won many awards. Their fandom is called Queens.
Did you know T-ARA's "Roly Poly" had the most digital downloads in k-pop history at one point?
Omg! What queens! They have perfect discography too!
A Trump supporter who follows him blindingly no matter if it's a lie or if there are dire consequences. A sheep of his.
Richard is such a t-bag, he will believe anything Trump says.
When a man, typically teenager puts his genitals (penis and balls) on another persons face (mouth, eyes, nose, forehead)
Very entertaining.
*guy jumps over another guy*
"Dude you just got t-bagged!!!"
What kids communally do when they have defeated a mortal enemy or a threat. T-bagging is when you click a button to crouch and then stand up again, spamming the control excessively. This is a tactic that is used to prove dominance.
Kid1, (playing Fortnite, eliminates a player), “take the L” (Begins T-bagging player)
An extention of the hepatitis series brought to you by Aids™. It includes symptoms such as an increase in tolerance regarding dead baby jokes and as well as a delayed fade of hair highlights.
My doctor diagnosed me with Hepatitis T yesterday. nO i dO nOt giVe a fUck kAren