"Dom wit the 12" is another way of saying a cannabis dealer is about to deliver 12 grams of high quality weed to your house
Person#1: are you saying we ain't getting the dom wit the 12?
Person#2: no, I think we just lost our 100 bucks
Person#1: bummer
She's "Miguel Careca Pro 12" girlfriend. Hopefully they'll live a happy marriage together.
"Raisinha Autistinha Pro 12" came back home after a long day of work.
the act of shooting oneself with a 12 gauge shotgun, usually with the motive of suicide
when dan walked in on his girlfriend making love to another man in his own apartment, he decided to take the 12 gauge challenge
"hey is that a 12 y/o child doing 12 y/o things in brookhaven?" "yes :|"
He's the G.O.A.T of mc parkour and pop. He overpower and a legit God fam.He da best forever.he is number 1 blud.This person is GOD.He is special.
Vedant Thakur (BD:12/06/10) is my friend
a cartoon with 22 results on rule 34
Cartoonaboo: 12 oz. Mouse SUCKS ASS