A meal consisting of the 3 piece combo from KFC and a shamrock shake from McDonalds.
John: Looks like St. Patrick's day is right around the corner.
Steve: Wanna swing by Mickey D's and KFC for some "Cluck" of the Irish?
John: Hell yeah!
Subset of Twitter users from Ireland, generally from middle-class Dublin background, who consider themselves elite on the site due to overlapping interests/discussion topics. 'Irish twitter' people are most likely to assemble in person at The Workman's Club.
"He's an abuser??? OMG, like he's SUCH a big name on Irish Twitter"
It's where you do 2 shots of Jameson, drink a pint of Guinness, then stick your finger in your own arse!
I was bloody pissed, so I did an Irish Rectal Exam.
Tanning your taint at the top of a mountain
Dude that hike was amazing, the Irish Sun Dance at the peak really topped it off!
Tanning your taint at the top of a mountain
Dude that hike was awesome, the Irish Sundance at the peak really topped it off!
3 or more guys lined up in dick in ass.
Me and the buds did the Irish kebab last week
Every February 21st, crowds of Irish, Mixed-Irish Heinz 57's, and fellow travelers express their true love for whiskey, beer, and rowdy folked-up music!
Mickey: "Yo Seamus, I've a throat on me and it's Irish Valentine's Day (Feb.21). Let's scoop up Eileen, Colleen or some other Bettys and get properly fecked off our heads, goin' all arses-up and diggin' on that-there folk'n'roll for a night!"
Seamus: "Feckin' Deadly, Mick!"