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South Decatur High School

A school full of crackheads who don’t know what they gonna do with they’re life after high school. (If they don’t drop out before then) Sports aren’t really their thing, tbh most things are really their thing. The school is honestly kinda lowkey like a prison ngl.

South Decatur High School

by Sdhs23 November 7, 2019

South Dakota Breath Mint

When a girls pus smells so bad that you have to administer whatever menthol lozenge you have direct to the puss.

“Oh babe that smells much better. That South Dakota Breath Mint really did the trick!”

by Gigantictuba187 September 29, 2018

South Stokes High School

Bunch of yee yee ass mfs, racist hillbilly’s and a bunch of rednecks and a lot of people that have a attitude such as “ I don’t give a fuck about you or what you have”

Have you heard how bad south stokes high school is

by Yeeyee mf January 5, 2022

hinsdale south high school

just a bunch of gay people and you can get canceled easily, but the education is good

bro i hate the people at hinsdale south high school”

by ikxttyi July 25, 2022

South Carolina Hot Sauce

It means Halo is an overrated game and Infinite is dead on arrival

South Carolina Hot Sauce is coming this year

by JayDummy July 23, 2021

South hills High school


south hills high school is hell

by steezyscoops September 1, 2020

South Carolina Trojan Horse

A sex act, which is highly dangerous and should only be attempted by experienced individuals. The woman gets on all fours and uses both her hands to stretch her asshole as wide as possible. The man stands about 10-20ft behind her and masturbates until the point of edging. When the man is about to cum, he sprints towards his lady and jousts his erect cock all the way into her asshole and ejaculates. The force of the simultaneous joust and ejaculation is what ends the Trojan War.

I was watching a documentary about the Trojan War when my girlfriend walked into the room and sat on my lap.
Next thing she knew she was four on the floor, ass open and ready for a South Carolina Trojan Horse.

by SantaSaysHoeHoeHoe October 29, 2023