Noun: Mascot of Kansas State University; is not racist, unlike the Kansas Jayhawk. He's also a woman's advocate. Rawer Rawr!
"I hate black people," said the Kansas Jayhawk as he was getting railed from the back by Willie the Wildcat and his massive cock.
bees that are on/in/around or have some relation to a penis 🐝 🍆
"Ugh the willy bees are back!"
when ones stomach and posibly private regions feel akward and strange on a rollercoaster or something
woah i just got a willy flub from that roller coaster
When someone hauls off and open hand slaps the shit out of you unexpectedly.
Keep my wife's name out yo fucking mouth or I'm gonna go Big Willie Style on your ass.
When you're a world famous closeted bisexual man smashing your male lover and your controlling wife is simultaneously pegging you from behind.
Duane: I pulled out the Big Willie Style on my buddy last night!
TMZ Reporter: I'm sorry to hear that bro!
When a man can’t stay hard due to being to stoned.
“Dude he was gonna fuck my ass but he had weed willy”