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Lesbian Milf Hunter

A lesbian who goes out looking for hot moms.

She’s a lesbian milf hunter because she’s always out looking for single moms.

by Hotstuff23 May 18, 2023

lip tint lesbian

In between a chapstick lesbian and a lipstick lesbian; a lip tint lesbian is lower maintenance and typically lives in jeans, but does enjoy a strappy pair of heels, sexy tops, make up, and admires fashion more than a chapstick would

I saw Brenda last night dressed in a tight dress and heels with a full face of make up, but I usually see her rocking converses, hoodies, and beanies. She's such a lip tint lesbian.

by ottersarewaterbreathingdogs December 15, 2022

lesbian standing 69

It's the same thing as a standing 69, the only difference is that two girls perform the move. One stands up and lifts the other in a tombstone piledriver position and they both eat their pussies until they cum.

Jennifer: I heard that you and Lexi had sex last night.

Becky: It was amazing, we did the lesbian standing 69 and after we cummed I fell back and we dropped in bed.

by Krashito February 6, 2017

fuck like a lesbian

Preferring sex that mixes things up, trying and exploring new things and sensations, with no real goal or endpoint. This is different than with men, who are known for wanting to fuck until they finish--whatever gets them there faster.

Boy: "I learned sex from a very adventurous girl. So, I kinda fuck like a lesbian. I'm told that's a good thing."

by blizzardbell March 9, 2017

Lesbian love syndrome

Where you fall in love with someone you cant have, especially someone from another state

Person 1: They seem to be pretty happy
Person 2: They're talking to someone from Tennesse

Person 1: Ah, classic lesbian love syndrome

by ThatLesbian January 23, 2020

second semester lesbian

A girl (who is usually studying Gender Studies) who aggressive adopts a lesbian identity late in the first year of University/College study. However by the time graduation rolls around (unlike an actual lesbian) they have abandoned this identity and are often engaged to a soon to be doctor, lawyer or accountant.

The term was used at least as far back as the early 2000s by the sex and relationships advice columnist Dan Savage.

"I'm going to come out to my folks at Christmas time."
"Maybe wait till you've had at least one serious girlfriend or even hooked up with another girl,? Make sure you aren't just a Second Semester Lesbian?"

by Lord Boofhead March 31, 2016

Non-Binary Lesbian

Someone who has zero clue what Non-binary or Lesbian mean

"They said they were a Non-binary Lesbian" -Kyle "That makes literally zero sense and I'm nonbinary" -Tim

by Non-binary God June 16, 2023

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