Source Code

Lenny face

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

person: "stop using Lenny faces, y/n! "

you: "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

by joyful coffee June 15, 2021

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(noun)- When someone updates their status and/or posts on their Facebook profile, and as a result, receives 10, or maybe even 100's of replies -yes it's possible- commenting on that very same status.

1. (Girl/boy thinking to herself) Hmm.. what should I post which will give me lots of Face-attention?

2. Wow I got 60 replies after posting a video of Kanye dissing Taylor Swift! Sweet! Face-attention! What I crave most!

3. I feel so unloved....no one ever gives me Face-attention!

by Peanutbuttersnaps October 3, 2009

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While chatting up a fine young lady the male (aka peter mckibbon) may be spotted grinning in such a sleazy fashion that his face is formed into a canoe-like shape.

"Get the fuck away from me you sleaze...you fucking face-canoe!"

by alex thurlow March 9, 2004

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Stool Face

That undeniable facial expression that displays sheer pain and pleasurable release all at the same time when one is attempting and eventually passing a hard, crusty, constipated turd from one's ass.

I shot a selfie taking a dump this morning and captured my stool face.

by Eaton Holgoode March 1, 2017

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A religion in which one beleives that face, the nick-jr. character, is god and will judge all after they die.

"In Face-ism, face judges you 'your going to hell, br br br brrrrrrr'."

by Cluadio August 18, 2008

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Desk Face

The red lines that form on your face when sleeping in class

Mark got desk face when sleeping in physics class.

by saltycod October 16, 2010

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molly face

when someone looks evidently high

she's definitely high, she had mad molly face

by Dwight's assistant manager April 16, 2019

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