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Sleeping w/ mouth open

According to very very VERY accurate history books, having the audacity to fall asleep with your mouth wide open, not caring who sees you, is how Alpha Aztec warriors showed dominance over Betas. Like, for real, for real

The older, more experienced Aztec Warrior, sleeping w/ mouth open, to intimidate the lesser Beta male ( Often considered pretty)

by Guy writing the history books June 21, 2022

Sleeping Doxy

A sleeping doxy is just a mega thot. Sleeping Doxies will find as many men to fuck in one night, like a normal thot. They do this because they want these men to impregnate them, thus making the men pay child support.

Guy 1: Yo bro
Guy 2: Yeah dude?
Guy 1: See that woman over there? She's a sleeping doxy. Stay away from her.
Guy 2: Thanks bro, I don't wanna pay child support bills.

by 123456789098765432156739201 May 9, 2020


Unintentionally spending money (eg buying things or online shopping) while asleep.

Long story short, I accidentally dropped $1.6k on an Amiri shirt while sleep-ballin last night..

by Cyrus Ruffy February 12, 2022

Sleep Stopper

While your partner is sleeping quickly and forcefully shove your penis into her vag or brown eye to wake her.

That bitch wouldn't put out last night so I gave her the sleep stopper!

I couldn't put up with her snoring anymore so I sleep stopped her.

Bro, you better hope your cell mate doesn't give you the sleep stopper!

by Ovarian Myth Sports February 9, 2010

Sleeps mouth open

Proven method of how ancient Alpha Aztec Warriors proved dominance over Beta males (Often called pretty)

The Aztec Warrior sleeps mouth open in public so everyone knew who the Alpha was.

by Guy writing the history books June 22, 2022

Sleep Seep

Lil bit of poo that seeps out of you whilst sleeping

Every morning I give myself a courtesy south-to-north wipe just in case of any *sleep seep*

by DenverBrokebacks January 11, 2024

Imma put him to sleep

You beat the absolute fucking shit out of something.

What bro?
Imma put him to sleep.

by IGotType69420Diabetes September 13, 2022