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Baby Pictures

Something that your parents use to embarrass you in front of your friends.

Parent: Hey your friend this is your baby pictures!

You: mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

by thunderpikachu44 March 17, 2021

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break baby

A bastard/illegitimate child conceived while one or both of the biological parents was fighting with their significant other and were on a "break" from their relationship.

Mary and I were fighting and she kicked me out, so I went to the bar and banged this chick in the bathroom and now she's about to have a god damned break baby!

by stxnthamix March 3, 2016

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Baby Roulette

When 3 or more males each ejaculate in the females vagina giving one of the males taking part a child 9 months later sort of like a game of Russian Roulette but using a different gun

'Hey man, we should totally play baby roulette with Yasbae tonight''
'Yeah, definitely dude'

by Sweg123456 April 22, 2015

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door baby

When a woman of breeding age finds out that she will be serving an extended prison sentence which will render her infertile by her release date, yet she still wishes to reproduce, she will endeavor to have a door baby.
This is done by coercing a male donor to ejaculate into a small, tubular receptacle, usually a toothpaste tube. The tube is then smuggled into the cell via a food tray. The most common way to do this is by placing it within a hamburger bun at feed time.
The prospective mother will then insert the tube into her vagina and squeeze. Thus, with any luck, the miracle of life will occur.

"Yo this bitch was so hardcore she had a door baby"

by OB-GYN kanobe November 30, 2009

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Baby Niggs

The word (or in this case name) you would use to describe the youngest member of your group of friends. Generally the least mature member of the group as well, which usually leads to the lowering in maturity of the rest of the members in the group.

"Hey Joe, where's Baby Niggs at?"
"His mom won't let him out because it's past his curfew."

by Th1sGuy January 3, 2013

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Baby immigrant

A person who immigrated to a new country as a baby and was raised around the culture of their country of origin thanks to parents/guardians but was raised in a different one

Person 1: Dude, she’s practically from here.

Person 2: Oh, didn’t you hear? She’s a baby immigrant. She was born there and brought here as a baby.

by Iferrari May 30, 2018

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Baby Shark

The dumbest song that always gets stuck in my head

"Baby shark, do--"
*the sound of several gunshots resonate throughout the room*
*followed by a fragmentation grenade*
*followed by a box of fragmentation grenades*
*followed by the main gun of a tank*
*followed by the sound of a body being crushed under a tank*
*followed by a nuclear bomb*

by Gamer Gek May 31, 2021

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