Source Code

Guinea pig

A slang term for a heavy set Italian man

Patrick: Louie Gambino is such a disgusting guinea pig. Every week he comes here, inhales 6 hoagies and drinks himself to sleep.

Connor: What a fat ass scumbag.

by Crackhead16 June 3, 2012

13๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pigs in a Blanket

Pigs in a Blanket, n. - The act of having three or more naked men in one bed at once usually for sexual reasons.

Marcos: Hey guys, wanna come back to my place and get all cozy with me and Seth .
Trent: Yeah babycakes i wanna be pigs in a blanket with you boys.

by BabaBryan July 12, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gimme Pig

A person who cannot pass up a promotional "trinket", cap, t-shirt, etc. regardless of interest or need. An avid collector of cheap, cheesy gimme crap.

Jimmy grabbed something from every booth at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

by Claude Howland July 10, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Truffle Pig

A Fat Person Who's Fatness Is Quite Obviously Due To The Fact There Rarely Spotted Without A Burger Can Of Coke Or Mars Bar In Hand.

Bonnie You Fucking Truffle Pig, Stop Stuffing Cake In Your Mouth An GO COOK MY FUCKING DINNER!

by Rossco With A Crossbow May 17, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pig Latin

The sound a fat girl makes when cumming as i fuck her

I went hogging last night and picked up a moon pig and as i was fucking her she started to scream pig latin

by The Shitztigators September 22, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

Prize Pig

Prize pig is where you end up with the last female in the bar. She is usually drunk and pretty much ready to go.

Alternatively, you have Parking Lot Prize Pig. This is where you simply hang out in the parking lot of your local pub, and pick off the Prize Pigs! :)

Yo, lets' head to Parsnips and play Prize Pig.

by GTB-GTG April 9, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pig Sack

another way of saying Balls, or Testicles

"wow that guys got big Pig Sacks"

by Kris Kennedy April 3, 2007

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž