A way to shortly describe your intense feelings for someone. A word to use when your immense love for someone is indescribable.
Mari: what?
Leo: cute a shoe
Using a pair of severed feet, from a living or dead person, to give yourself a foot job.
Young Charles had an issue satisfying his foot fetish and finding women. He instead had to resort to Bosnian Shoe Shines at the local cemetery to get off.
The act of utilizing severed feet, from either a living or deceased human, to give a foot job.
Charles had a massive foot fetish as well as issue meeting women. He thus had to resort to Bosnian Shoe Shines at the local cemetery to get off.
shoes that are too sexy for work/school so you save them for the weekend and then regret it the day later because your feet are so sore
I got some new heels, but they're just weekend shoes because i can't wear them on a regular basis.
Those who do their job at work and don't goof off.
Sara is such a nerdy goody two-shoes. She never wants to play Fortnite during work.
It's what Kageyama is as a setter
Atsumu:you're a Goody Two-Shoes