Source Code

dog whistle

Dog whistle is a type of strategy of communication that sends a message that the general population will take a certain meaning from, but a certain group that is "in the know" will take away the secret, intended message. Often involves code words.

Republicans say they want to make civil rights for gays a state issue, which is really just a dog whistle strategy for saying that they will refuse to grant equal rights on a federal level.

by magnummanager July 23, 2011

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Dog Slobber

The act of ejaculating and or pissing on someones fore-head while they're asleep then smearing it with your nut sack or vertical lip.

Yo. what? i heard Tim gave Duhhy a Dog Slobber the other night

by M & C productions May 29, 2010

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Dog fire

when you are sad and you need something to say so you awkwardly sad "dog fire" but secretly you are sad and lonely and you really need a pop tart.

Hey bro, take a bite of this dog fire!

by Choleo March 8, 2022

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MDMA so pure that when you sniff it up like a dog it makes you howl.

Dan was so faced from that Moll-Dog last night he asked UPD for a key so he could bump up.

by Neo in New Paltz May 26, 2010

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Dog Trash

Trash or axiom for something (or someone) that is so far beyond worthless and shitty, nobody wants anything to do with it or them to the degree filfthy stray dogs won't even touch or repurpose it.

"She's such a terrible fucking person.

She stole most of my alcohol from the party... but not before she slept with two guys in my spare bedroom, spilled mix drink on my computer while staining the carpet in the living room AND called the cops because she saw her ex and proceeded to fight him!

Holy moly! Seriously what a piece of Dog Trash!"

by TheMeanClean November 9, 2017

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Shot The Dog

A reference to paramilitary police tactics bungled by their inevitable ineptitude, breaking into the wrong house and killing the family dog. It is an epic fail characterized by an overzealous attitude coupled with minimal mental skills which results in a total Munson.

Lil' Kim's plastic surgeon really shot the dog.

The fat kid on the skateboard is totally going to shoot the dog.

Your mom's ovum really shot the dog.

by Kleetus Orgasmus April 1, 2014

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Pussy dog

Caja Marie Stumpf

She’s such a pussy dog

by Tierneymae December 15, 2018

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