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rock, paper and scissors

an eighth of crack (rock), a stash of money (paper), and a pair of looseys (scissors). Basically just a few things to make yourself feel like you are top dog, either way you win. but if you have all three of these things simultaneously then you're the man 'round dis bitch...

i was asked if i wanted to go to dave and buster's with my friends i told dem no i gotta play rock, paper and scissors for the whole day dey didn't know wtf i was talkin bout so dey just said i was lame but when dey seen me smokin a couple newports wit da gwap in my pocket dey were da ones feeling like assholes.

by ogdajuiceman June 16, 2010

Covid Paper Jacked

When someone steals your stash of toilet paper you horded during the corona virus outbreak.

I had a 100 rolls of toilet paper and then I left my garage door open for 5 minutes and some asshole covid paper jacked me.

by Jimmapp March 17, 2020

High paper

When you smoke a MASSIVE blunt with your roommate for her birthday, try to sit down and write a paper for the next 6 hours, and fail miserably.

After nearly 7 hours of trying to write a high paper, Logan’s progress read, after the title and header, “Hiking in Maine is huge.”

by stewartave January 22, 2022

180 grit toilet paper

The toilet paper stores still have.

Even the hardasses aren't buying the 180 grit toilet paper, they try to get one of the other brands first, which is why the stores only have the 180 grit left.

by Solid Mantis April 27, 2020

paper goy

There’s GDL flyers up and down the road in everyone’s fron gardens! Those paper goys have been at it again naming the heeb

Every single aspect of baby penis sucking is Jewish, see it says so right here.. hands flyer to passer by…. Thats a paper goy

by Her Hauptmann October 31, 2024

1👍 1👎

Paper Goy

There's GDL flyers up and down the road in everyone's front gardens! Those paper goys have been at it again naming those heebs

Every single aspect of baby pen1s sucking is Jewish, see it says so right here.. hands flyer to passer by.... Thats a paper goy

by Her Hauptmann November 3, 2024

paper candidate

A candidate representing a political party who seems highly unlikely to win, and although they are standing for office in good faith, may not be intending to campaign hard either. They usually do not have many resources, and may be political newcomers (or has-beens who are reluctant to leave politics). Their own organizations may not be willing or able to offer much support. As a result, they are usually not very visible on the campaign trail beyond putting up a few signs. In Quebec, the term for this type of candidate is “poteau” (post or pole), referring to signage on fenceposts or utility poles. Some may not campaign at all, just appearing on the ballot (“name on ballot”/NoB). Often this situation arises when a national political party wants to maintain its profile by running candidates in every district across the country, even ones that have traditionally shown little support.

This is not the same thing as a person who decides to run (or is manipulated into entering the race by other interests) in order to split the vote and prevent someone else from winning. An example of that from fiction is Willie Stark’s first gubernatorial campaign in “All The King’s Men”.

"When I went to vote today, I noticed Bob Aardvark's name at the top of the ballot. I didn't see him out campaigning and we didn't even get any campaign literature from him during the election. He must be a paper candidate. Wouldn't it be funny if a lot of people just voted for the first name they saw, and he got in~"

by TapirTrouble October 21, 2020