An extremely bad haircut similar to the bowl cut worn by Moe from the Three Stooges. It's done by somebody who is awful at cutting hair, thus in its attempt to be perfectly round all the way around, the Papa Ray Special is uneven and choppy.
If you don't behave, I'm going to get out the scissors and give you a Papa Ray Special!!
When a female performes oral sex while using the toilet
She gave me the toilet bowl special last night at the party!
(n) Getting stung on the genitalia by a moon jelly in the Chesapeake Bay, particularly during the part of the year when the water temperature is both ideal for swimming and millions of jellyfish everywhere. Can be either accidental or intentional (as a kink).
Are you sure you want to go skinny dipping right now? Look at all those jellyfish!
Yeah... I like a bit of pain and I'm trying to get a Chesapeake Bay Special.
When your penis becomes erect while shopping at Aldi
Hey Scott, why are you hiding behind the shopping trolley? Have you got a special buys stiffy ?
Insert your freshly shaven balls deep inside her
Cornelius was very sneaky when he gave Berta the Easter egg special
I went over to Allison's for a business man special.
When you pop some Psilocybin, and bang your cousin.
Bro, did you hear she pulled a Trout Lake Special at the reunion last week?