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The smallest cock imaginable... Any gay man will cream his pants for a smith... Loves to masturbate to gay old soggy anime porn... But best of all any Smith will give u the best sex of your life and a great babysitter

I had sex with a Smith last night, he had a tiny cock but it was the best sex of my life

by Robbob6969 October 24, 2018


Is gay and loves kid named Mathew suding

Smith is gay

by Smith is gay February 2, 2020


See Aerosmith

Go-ing dooooooooooooown!

by Gumba Gumba April 10, 2004


A beautiful young man and the sexiest

Smith is the most beautiful and caring person

by Soccer lover10 November 23, 2023


Smith is a fucking pimp. He swings his giant unclipped dong around like its a wiffle ball bat. He once had sex with a whale, and the whale cried because Smith's big pecker tore its vag wide open.

"Hey honey, looking for a Smith?"

by BigDaddyDickKicker December 1, 2023


The last name of a person who's job is to be the evil the world needs to rid of.

Person 1: Oh god, its a Smith.
Person 2: Man, I hate Smiths.

by Kentrowl1 August 7, 2022


Another really sad excuse for spamming someone elses last name in order to have minimal recognition by anyone. In this case, Lucas Smith. If you have any quality like an afro, you should probably hide from middle school.


by thirstyaleks June 17, 2015