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pinocchial school

A privately-run place of learning where you're taught how to cope with being made of wood, avoid honest work and formal education, and not be overly honest (this last skill also requires dat you be a really good whittler so dat you can hastily trim your nose shorter as necessary, in order to conceal da visible signs of your deceitfulness).

How can you tell if a lawyer is lying?
His lips are moving, plus he has a diploma from pinocchial school. :P

by QuacksO February 19, 2023

School of Hard Knocks

What uneducated, depressed, lonely, dropout, (usually American) drug addicts put as their education on any social media platform because it makes them feel better than admitting that they couldn’t pass the basic high school requirements.

Job: Thug/Drug Dealer at Your Mom
Education: School of Hard Knocks

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 July 21, 2023

Western hills middle school

The most cringest school ever. If your name is Emily kys. This middle school is on the west side of Cranston and it’s the most whitest school to ever exist. This school is filled with kids that are never loved and it’s full of 12 year olds that wear the same black leggings everyday. The boys at this school all have the same haircut and same sense of style. All of them smoked at a age of 13 and all of them will be getting lung cancer at the age if 21. They also disrespect their parents and think fortnite and tik tok is a personality trait. Other than that this school is full of racist white ppl that think that they are important and are the main character.

Today at western hills middle school, Emily was doing tik tok dancing’s with her juul.

by Don’tConsumeCoke November 30, 2021

webster elementary school

an elementary school for grades pre K - 5, on 500 Wadsworth Street.

an educational learning place.

yo bro, do you know what webster elementary school is?

bro, the coolest school in the world is webster elementary!

by d,cnsd;okch;odsilc February 19, 2022

Cambridge school

A living hell

“Cambridge school is a form of abuse

by 0129384765 November 13, 2023

Rayner Stephens High School

an absolute unhygienic shithole full of absolute knobheads and sexist mongy teachers

Person: ‘Should I move to Rayner Stephens High School’
Other person: ‘No it’s a shithole

by bigmanNtha February 20, 2023

Sadiq public school


"I hate sadiq public school!"

by t4mruh January 10, 2025