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sherrardswood school

a place of bum rape and aidplease join the orgy!!!!!!!s

ayooo ches motive "sherrardswood school"

by tarmac x lion x xhe x tuoto x March 9, 2023

SJV high school

Extremely popular high school which has amazing sports, ugly uniforms, and whores. The thing that ties this school together is that it is a simulation. No one can name the location of this school. Hell, I can’t even name a normal person who attends SJV. Because it is not a real fucking school so now the joke is over. It is not real. Wake up.

“Yeah, he is just not real.” “Makes sense, he goes to SJV high school.”

by idontcareshush December 28, 2022

Gorham High School

A school in maine . The administrators there is just as stupid as the freshman. Teachers are anal about skipping but more than half of them don’t teach. That shit hole is filled with snitches and pussies that know how to run their mouths and feet but not fists. Fuck that place

Kid 1: I go to gorham high school
Kid2: damn that sucks dick

by Jewlol November 20, 2019

Johnstown High School

A wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Johnstown High School is littered with staff that peaked in high school themselves and gossip more recklessly than students, blatant favoritism toward sports kids while ignoring high-achievers in their educational and art departments, a scapegoating administration that runs cover for a hypocrite who smiles nice but has at least one major skeleton in his closet (and throws subordinates that make his leadership look even mildly bad under the bus in the name of optics, bursting into tears and wetting his pants at the idea of being sued despite making 6 figures), authoritarians who treat bullies and victims as morally equivalent because Godforbid we seek justice for evil 4000 years after the Code of Hammurabi, baffling hiring decisions, at least 1 male teacher who will slide into yo Instagram DMs the moment you graduate (but only if you’re a girl), at least 2 female teachers that don’t know how to handle stress and will lash out if you look at them the wrong way, a steady rate of teen pregnancy, Department of Education brainwashing that sincerely insists xe/xir are usable gender pronouns, Bernie Madoff levels of financial planning, bathrooms that make you yearn for Taco Bell stalls, 12 year old eighth graders dating 17 year old seniors, and truly shocking interior design that makes your local Chuck E. Cheese look like Notre Dame.

Be sure not to swim in the pool, as you may catch a venereal disease if you get too close to the liner.

"Why don't you read?"
"I can't read, I went to Johnstown High School."

by BobtheBobbleBobber November 21, 2024

Kilmer Middle School

The worst place on earth. Don’t go here. You WILL die.

Guy: “I go to Kilmer Middle School”
Guy 2: “Ew get away from me”

by I was born in 1652 November 23, 2021

Highland High School

Highland High School is a place with hot yet toxic guys. don’t get involved with them unless you want mental trauma😃

I hate Highland High School

by beforehecheats September 11, 2021

Dundee middle school

Full of instigators, and wrestlers, and dog people

The kids a Dundee middle school are always instigating

by Jamol_johnson May 3, 2022