Having sex with two people but those people don't have sex with eachother, you can visualise it like a diagram two nodes pointing at one node. This is a dumb definition
Frank - "Bro I colabed with John to have a V-some with Samantha"
Tim - "Bro shut up"
anicka + vojtech - the best ship in the world
do you know who is a+v?
oh yes that's the best ship!
voicemail ring phone rejected short ring
I tried calling your brother, but I got V-rolled. It rang once and went straight to voicemail.
The most ❤️Cutes couples and they need to stay together forever and never break up they may have there ups and downs but they are meant to be
D+v They love each other
Sexual activity resulting in a child. Penis+Vagina=Baby
"Use protection bc we don't want that P+V=B!"
When faggots wear v-necks to school or work on Wednesday.
Hey, Chad! You ready for V-Neck Wednesday?
Shut the fuck up Brad! Do I look like a faggot?
A very successful person in life who likes sports and does music here and there
Have you heard of my boy V-day