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Jizz tiz

Uncurable disease known to americans and romaniac's that can have an effect 3 generations, forwards or backwards. Know as the Jizz tiz.. don't get that on you it's unwashable

My Grandmother's mother's baby's uncle's cousin gave me the jizz tiz.

by THE REAL COOP February 18, 2025

moronic jizz rag

Alternative spelling & synonym for Donald Trump’s hairpiece

Watching the 2020 debates, I thought to myself, “I’d never vote for some orange nazi bitch who wears that moronic jizz rag, what a fuckin’ clown.”

by Kâlidâsa May 28, 2023

Sun Jizzed

When a car reaches an old age, at which the paint begins to peel

Rahul: " dude nice RC truck"
Zander: " at least mine isnt sun jizzed!"

by that 1 kid September 11, 2009

air jizz

When you jerk off so many times in one day that you begin to jizz air because you run out of cum.

I jerked it so many times I had an air jizz

by Small dick chase April 24, 2020

jizz piston

slang for penis

That bloke's got a nice looking jizz piston.

by m_step March 16, 2021

Silly Jizz Em

its a drunk woman trying to say "symbolism"

Her - "He uses a lot of Silly Jizz Em in his rap style"
Him - "Silly Jizz Em? You mean... symbolism?"

by WhatsDerp January 25, 2015

Jizz Everything

A game that consists of sticking another person to anything they wish. If you stick someones head to anything then it is considered a cum shot and you lose the game.

What are you playing? Jizz everything , wanna join?

by Mr. Poopypants12343 May 5, 2011